I used to be cringe but now I'm epic xD
Making an RPGMaker MZ game, hopefully it goes somewhere! Make sure to subscribe and like the notification bell it helps a lot with liking the videos!

Grey @beerbird

Age 29


Joined on 7/18/07

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beerbird's News

Posted by beerbird - February 9th, 2014

I'm bored and if you are bored well i got just the thing to get you unbored.

If you want i made a list right here which is filled with challenges including art audio and flashes.

Art : I love Brink for much the game was way too hyped but, i don't care it's alot of fun but, theres one thing that really bugged me, there's no female so, this is the challenge i want you to draw a woman in one of the outfit (If you never played the game you can always look at screenshot) I'd like her to wear the Spikes Helmet with the Straps and the forearm bandages and for the Legs i don't mind or a Beret with the Eel shirt for the leg again i dont really care much (Extra happiness if she's Brown skinned and or slighty or highly naked).

Music : I enjoy classical rap Jazz and house so, yes i want them all in one for atleast 5minutes go crazy on the mixing i dont want them to be alone blending them makes amazing sound !

Movie : There's a bunch of reviews or simply really active member of the community and i would really enjoy it if there was some Movie about them i won't call any names because if you don't know them already them it means maybe you should not attempt but, you can always try if you want.

Art : League of Legends, Sona, Caitlyn, Nid i've seen them in many angles but, i've never seen Oriana in many only a few that i've seen and it really disapoint me so yeah more Oriana A rated material (Yeah i'm a guy that's pretty standard for me to ask that) bonus if she's getting ''gank'' by a good counter.

Game : More games like Age of War but longer and with multiplayer, i really don't think i need to say much about it but, make it about mainstream video game if you can i'd be awesome having a horde of Spartan fighting with some Assassin or something.


Of course you don't need to do any of them i'm just putting out some challenge there's no reward other them self satisfaction more content for you and some way to fill up you boredom.

I'll post more if i ever feel like it.

Posted by beerbird - January 29th, 2014

Looks like it's been a month since my last post and yet i have not even bothered messing with my terrible RPG but, i have almost reached a review milestone on Movies of 200 which sounds cool but, everything older then 2012 is mostly terrible young self bullshit so it sorta counts but, i won't make it feel good to myself but still 200 is something.


Also i am no longer sick which is good also, i will be making things in the coming month but, no hint on what i'll be making k, bye.

Posted by beerbird - January 5th, 2014

My terrible RPG as a new update avaible why don't you try it ?

Or don't it's terrible but, you should try it anyway.


Just overwrite the old file i think.

Also here's the link if you want to try the game


Update 2ish


Posted by beerbird - December 31st, 2013

Yes that's right you heard me Evil-Dog is live streaming for the whole week  ! ! !


Do make sure to be there to not miss anything !

Posted by beerbird - December 19th, 2013

Has anyone gotten bored of the large amount of pixel games and horror games ?

I sure have, pixel game can be great if the gameplay is good enough otherwise, there's not a whole bunch to it except graphics that i have seen over 8999 times already, i don't hate all of them in fact most of my favourite games are made out of pixel like Starbound but, now everyone just goes for pixels what's the point ? The last time i've had too much of something it took me nearly a year to even give a crap about it and i don't want that to happen with pixel game sure there's lots of them which just flat out sucks and looks too lazy to be justifed but, i like to look at those games that shines and admire it not too vomit. The point is just try to do something more then just that.


And then there's the ''horror'' games. . . Where to start ? They all look the same feels the same and plays the same, throw you in a pit of darkness sometime give you light or not and creepy sounds and random monsters encounter that gives you heart attacks because you've been sitting for 15minutes walking around, how's this amusing ? what's the point getting a scare ? If i want a scare i'll play one but, the amount there's out there just make me unable to trust which one is just another Slendertubbies or a good one like Amnesia it's far beyond the 50-50 now there's way too many awful one that i just don't care anymore hell i don't remember giving a crap about any of them.


I won't bother talking too much about these ''horror'' pixel game it's just so freaking terrible look at that one of many games that combine both it's a pain to play.


Anyhow if you got anything to share i'd be happy to read it.

Posted by beerbird - December 13th, 2013

Lately i've been doing all kind of stuff that matters not to anyone really but, i've noticed that most of my recent reviews have been replied too and that's great i love to see that content producer can take time to notice those who noticed them.

Other then that PLEASE check out http://autumn-collapse.newgrounds.com/ the music they make is awesome

Also i am working on a worthless RPG alone just for time wasting and it looks kinda ok so far i might put it in one of my post someday.

And that's about it if you'd like to hangout and stuff you can always add me up on skype i guess but if you do please tell me you are from here otherwise i won't say yes. Skype : thegrandtemplar

Have a great holiday aswell i don't know how to spell it but i think thats about ok. k bye.

I've added a A rated content in my favorite art i'm sorry ;3 .

I was about to make a new post but it's only been 13 hours since this one so i'll keep re editing this one anyhow i've decided to publish my terrible RPG for some reason or another i will be posting updates in some post in the future but for now i'll post it has it is.

It includes the RTP and the game itself if you already have RPG Maker VX ace then you should be good to go anyhow i'll add up the link soon enough. http://www.mediafire.com/download/25r66aup1d5n280/Test.exe

Posted by beerbird - December 4th, 2013

Lately i became a bit more active on NG i started to review a bit more often and also to poke around.

And it fells good to be more active the only thing that i still would like to have is a full crew to work on some projects if you have skill in programing and or on animation and also on art that'd be great because that's what i need the most right now.

But anyway i'll be posting some more aswell but not too much, also the new blog thing like everyone is talking about looks pretty cool but i can't see if i ever make typos now so that is bad for me.

2036693_138621759622_V4V.jpgAlso here is a MS paint logo of the crew. Yes i made stuff with  MS paint

Posted by beerbird - November 22nd, 2013

But i feel like i don't know a lot of folks and that kinda sucks but i'm cool with that because i have the internet and i can meet a whole load of folks but, it dont know. . .

Posted by beerbird - November 4th, 2013

And tonight is the night where i myself is going to win Ghost all by myself why ?
Because i'm freaking awesome !
I just hope there is no 11 years old last year that's what won. . .

Posted by beerbird - October 4th, 2013

I have nothing much to do these days, nothing but sleeping and other things that are needed to live.
If i had a better Pc i would be making gameplay footage and game reviews and such but nope.
Good thing is i still have things in mind to keep me busy once in a while.

Also here an image of Halo : Reach back when i was playing that game.

What is there to say ?