I used to be cringe but now I'm epic xD
Making an RPGMaker MZ game, hopefully it goes somewhere! Make sure to subscribe and like the notification bell it helps a lot with liking the videos!

Grey @beerbird

Age 29


Joined on 7/18/07

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beerbird's News

Posted by beerbird - March 15th, 2015

Soooo as obvious as it seems i kinda drifted away from NG, i've been busy with life and all and all.

But, now since i don't have anything to pull me out from this place i guess i can come back to it and write stuff like i used to or maybe write other stuff and possibly try to "Voice act" with my terrible microphone.

Anyway so in short i'll be back on NG no idea for how long but yea. Welcome back to myself !

On the side note, if anyone is looking for a friend, that'd be great, kinda lonely here...

Posted by beerbird - February 7th, 2015

So i may or may not had been gone for awhile from NG, i've been really busy for the past 4months.

Also um, i actually did forget about the erh... lovely story i mentionned on my last post which was. . . a little while back... anyway the story had been completed for a good chunk of time and is quite um, dirty i guess? Enough waiting, here's the story.

Rengar the cry baby

Please welcome in the fight, Shen Jax and Fizz VS Rengar Xin and Nid !

(Shen):So what should we be doing first, uh ? [All](Rengar): MY TEAM IS SUCH NOOB OMG GG /ff 15 ! (Jax): Well that's just lovely. (Fizz): Let's totaly not focus him guys *wink*.

(Purple team as a whole): Ehehe..

Rengar decided to stand in the bush in order to gank the enemy team while his team would come from bot, but that did not end the way he wanted, as Shen came out of the bush using his E (Taunt dash thingy) forcing him to stab Shen, saddly for him he had hitten his Giant belt making his trousers fall on the ground revealing his private parts.[All](Nid): OMY GAWD FIZZ JAX FUCK BOTH OF YOU !. (xin and nid died in the background)

[All](Shen): Renguh looks like it's us versus you and it seems like you wanted to say something, eh ?. [All](Renguh): YES MY TEAM IS STIL... Before Rengar had time to finish his sentence Shen forced him onto his knee and placing his face in front his rock hard junk. [All](Nid & Xin): Looks like hes the one that really suck afterall Eheheh.

[All](Renguh): Shen pls don't do *Cough*. Once more Rengar could not finish his words but this time it was because Shen had forced him to tasty his Trinity Force. Right in the back of the throat giving him no chance to breath and out back. [Y'all](Shen): I think you know what you have to do now, eh ? (Jax): Um, dude the fuck... (Shen): What ? He asked for it right ? (Fizz): Well you are sort of right i guess. Rengar knew that he had no other choice but to start doing is duty.

He started from the long of his tongue beneath Shen's shaft, then right at the tip from where he started to insert his staff within his mouth, slowly whilst still using his tongue to lick the bottom of the head. The feeling of the lion's tongue made Shen unable to resist so he used his Q all over Rengar's face splattering most of his face in thick kitty cream. [Y'all](Shen): Oh my. . . never expected your tongue to feel so good. [All](Renguh): *Whine* IMMA TELL MY MOM *Crying intensifies*. [All](Nid): Oh hey looks like someone is being healed ;3. [ALL](RENGURH): ITS ONLY NOW DAT U HEAL ME YOU BITCH !. [All](Shen): Now now, my friend would also like to play with the kitty. [All](Jax): Looks like it's time for me to have some fun !

As Jax stepped forth he readied his hand to . . . BITCH SLAP THAT BITCH ! [ALL](RENGUH): WHAT THE FUCK MAN ! [All](Jax): What ? did you really expect me to hump you or something ? [All](Regnuh): Well put this way... i guess thank you ?. [All](Nid) Oh dear lawdy Jax thank you so much you don't know how long i was wishing for that to happen ! [All](Jax): I think i deserve a reward.

Nid barely even started to open her mouth to talk when Jax used his Q to leap onto her. Latched onto her he exposed her backside to everyone. Quickly he let his lantern light up showing it into the darkness of her rear end. Slowly entering into her lower back he'd quickly thrust in and out making her mad with rage. Sadly for Jax he could not enjoy her for long since he had almost knocked her down, so he pulled out and let his Gunblade shine.

[All](Nid): Omygawd is all over my back its so sticky ew. [All](Jax): Don't act you don't like it. (Fizz): Guys who do i get to bang ? (Shen): Either works really. (Jax): Xin is still dry you know. (Fizz): Not sure for you guys but i think I'll skip on this.

I've also wrote a short practice text story thingy and here it is, by the way that one isn't "lovely".

Well, that was that, anyway, sorry for not having posted in a good time, even if I'm fairly certain nobody even cares all that much about me, which is fine i really have no reason to be followed.

So, yeah, good day and all.

Posted by beerbird - October 8th, 2014

So what i've been doing all this time ?

Simple really.

Freaking nothing important, all i did was play dark souls, halo 4 and LoL that's all i did so far.

But with that said, while playing league i was thinking one *cough* lovely comic i've red, and it kinda gotten me in the mood for some sweet stories about one champ or another but, right now i'm still looking for the right battle to make the juice flow ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Posted by beerbird - July 16th, 2014

About two of you know of my lousy RPG and the others go check the dusty ol'post about it

Why should you get hyped for you ask ?

Simple i'm going to resume my work into it and hopefully i'll get somewhere with it but, i can hint you a few things

  • ''Finisher Move'' : Each party member have a unique finisher once they reach 100TP for example the main hero get a very powerful strike that can land crits.
  • No linear storyline : I think that's how you say it but, anyway in short you get to choose the fate of someone that you'll find out about later.
  • Somewhat cool NPCs : ''Meeeeeeeh...'' Quote from the best NPC ever !
  • Music from NG : Yep that's right some featured artist are/could be in the game so far there is ; http://autumn-collapse.newgrounds.com/
  • Non-children-friendly stuff: Tits and ass you say ? There's plenty ! Just kidding there is none, only in dialogue.
  • Play the way you want !: The default ability of the main hero are based on Luck but, you can find more ability to tailor your play.

If this not enough hype for you then it's okay !

As you may recall i titled my RPG Lousy because that's what it is at the moment.

I made a few old versions you may want to try them, eh ?


By few i mean't this one only as the others were old and buggy and lamer then lousy.

Posted by beerbird - June 15th, 2014

So since a lil'while i've been writing well twice anyway and i was thinking about writing more stuff that are not kid friendly or maybe kid friendly i don't know yet but, in short i'll be writing much more often so stay tuned to read more of my *cough* cute little cupcakes.

Posted by beerbird - June 1st, 2014

So i've been somewhat active enough to decide to let folks know stuff about simply because heck with it.


  1. I love video games, like enough to dream about it everyday i just can never get enough
  2. I don't mind bronies, so long as they don't try to ''convert'' me.
  3. I don't read much nor from write much but, when i do it's alot of fun i got admit.
  4. Mass Effect is most likely my favourite game at this point.
  5. I drink lots of Powerade every week which explains why i can't sleep at night.
  6. I've dropped out of school because i could not handle it anymore.
  7. I can't think of any kind of music that i hate, guess i don't hate any.
  8. I can't grow a beard very well.
  9. I like being asked question and listening to others imput.

So yea, that's about all i can think of, if anyone care to ask question go ahead.

Also thanks for reading this far and don't forget to leave a comment so i know i have not wrote this for nothing.

Posted by beerbird - May 26th, 2014

I'll make it simple the only reason i writting this is cuz why not.

Also theres A rated things going on in there and video games stuff (Borderlands 2)

[Insert ammo related sexual innuendo title here]

Today is a bright and sunny day on Pandora with blood flowing down the gutters and people screaming with pain to announce a wonderful morning and our Vault Hunters have finally arrived into Sanctuary.

Upon arriving Gaige mentionned how low on ammo she was so she rushed to see Marcus, with such hurry she skipped the first step on the lousy looking set of stairs, the good thing as everybody knows theres is no fall damage so she simply gotten up on her feet, once she was standing Marcus told her : Excited to meet me, eh, i understand now what can i do for you. Gaige responded : Could you fill me up, i'm dry on ammo. With a smile on his face he replied : But of course i can sell you ammo on a ''low'' price. Seeing the price he pointed to her our dearest Mecro she left the store without a word to see her good friends.

Salvar my gud friend could you do me a favor. She asked with a fake smile on her face. IT'S SALVADOR, but go ahead what chu need. She explained slowly that she was out of cash to buy more ammo after trading with Zero as he had dropped such a cool Rifle he replied with : Sucks to be you but we can't trade bullet you should ask for some free ammo i'm sure he'll understand. With a angry grin she went back to see Marcus and wondering if she could have some rounds for free, not knowing the man she is nowhere ready to be doing some ''task''.

You're back and you need something from me, eh ? As she entered Gaige took no time to go straight to him asking for charity as she mentioned the word, he quickly started looking at her while trying to make sure she was not noticing his eyes moving up and down. Charity is not something i do my dear but, i can think of something you can do for me instead if you know what i mean, ehehe. Confused for only a second before realising what he just said she took a short pause thinking about her option and it was clear to her that there was nothing else she could do, she nervously looked around making sure no one was around her and asked him quietly to move move the the next room.Let's make it quick alright ! She yelled at him, he simply replied a happy grin, no time was needed for her to realised this was not going to end anytime soon.

She truly wanted to end this quick so she took no time to remove her clothes and to quickly go onto her knee to unzip his trousers, she started slowly using two fingers to carress the bottom of the shaft while licking the tip with her tongue. Marcus saw the hesitation on her pretty little face so her placed his left hand on the back of her head to rapidly show his rocket into her chambers, surprised and throat blocked she started to have tears flowing down her eyes but, she did not resist. After several back and forth into her throat he pulled out to spray his joy onto her red little cheek while saying: Oh my, i have not felt that good since myself and Moxxi but, a deal is a deal i guess so here take this hundred buck and buy yourself some ammo. Frustrated by his end of the bargain she quickly gotten up and kicked him so hard between his legs he fell unconsious, once he stroke the ground she noticed the keys next to him, no reflexion she took the keys and opened his vault only to find, A HUGE LOAD OF SEX TOYS, shocked she yelled OMG and quickly took mutiple pictures and then left with her filtly clothes of course she still had to clean her face but, that is boring to describe so let's pretend it happenned.

With exitement of her blackmailing Opportunity she, Zero and Salvador went off into the cold to kill and loot amzing things the end.

Yeah, i don't know felt like writing so just deal whatchu thinking about this ok ?

Also i do not regret writting none of it, atleast for now.

Posted by beerbird - May 9th, 2014

It's been awhile since my last post and i really am feeling like doing an AMA thingy (ask me anything) simply because why not ?

So yeah go ahead and ask away if you want !

Posted by beerbird - April 2nd, 2014

Once again i have nothing to do so please allow me to review whatever you made i really enjoy doing reviews but i just can't decide what to watch/play which bothers me since i know there are plenty of games that deserve quite a bunch of attention .


In short put up the link of one of your work so i can check it out i love seeing new faces !

Also Mr. Tom Fulp if you can tell me how do enable the thing that says if you wrote something the right way i hate messing up in words !

Posted by beerbird - February 22nd, 2014

So i've decided to update my lousy RPG again just because i felt like it been sooooooo long since the last update so all i can say is prepare for milk because i kinda added milk as an item and yeah not telling more.


Here's the DL link : https://www.mediafire.com/?wuu8eukw8e3nzu1

And look in my old post if you don't have the RTP file which you need to play this here is just an update just have to overwrite all the old file with this one !