I'm glad it's just a preview and i'm mad because it's just a preview.
I'm glad it's just a preview and i'm mad because it's just a preview.
Hahaha sorry man. Almost done with it!
This is amazing everything just fit perfectly also don't worry about college it's not going to be there forever, just remember to enjoy the time passing with friends and such and the time will flow much faster.
Thank you very much! We appreciate the compliment! Yeah, we're doing our best to enjoy our college years. There are definitely ups and downs haha! Hope you keep in touch - we will be putting out more music, albeit slowly.
Take care,
It's good all the way but, it feels like the song is about to rise up but it just wants to stay in the same zone.
I reflected and analyzed in detail, and I agree with you. When I objectively listen to the song, as if I am am not knowing what is coming, I wait for some faster/better/intensive riff after 01.45. Thanks for the review!
I listened the song a few time but every time i forget to review it and all i can say is . . . Why do i never such songs on the radio ? (No really, all they ever play is a bunch of non sense.)
Not a fan of loops i got to say, the song always seems to try to get into tracks of something bigger but nope the same loop over and over.
Every time i hear this song on Newgrounds i break the 5 stars button over and over !
Better then the original !
Long time since i last heard a song on here with vocals . . . i guess i should listen more often but, in short amazing work and i'm glad you got frontpaged.
Thanks dude! I've been posting my songs with vocals on newground songs since 2009! :), Figured a few of us have to represent the rock genre.
I used to be cringe but now I'm epic xD
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Age 29
Joined on 7/18/07