Despite not being active as I probably could be, I've noticed from the passing months that A Rated "movies" we're being plague by low effort content. Now of course, low effort content is nothing new from this website but It still bugs be seeing all these "3D animations" all over the place. 3D animation can be used to create really good stuff but when it's mass produced with quality it affects the credibility of a genre as a whole.
Honestly, I remember the first time 3D movies we're uploaded on here, I was against it for the very reason I'm even making this post that you're reading at this very moment. I feared it would plague the site with poor quality material and it happened just like I've predicted it would. Perhaps not so much on M rated and below but for A rated... I like animated porn as much as anyone else and seeing it being tarnished like so is truly unappealing.
Also, anyone making quality stuff, keep it up.